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Back to School Tips for Parents

xBert robot in front of a chalkboard, writing out back to school tips for parents

While the beginning of the school year is a big adjustment period for students, it’s just as much as an adjustment period for parents as well. To help ease the transition period, we’ve provided some tips and tricks to help you and your student(s) avoid being overwhelmed and stay on schedule!

  1. Get to know your student’s new teachers – Teachers enjoy meeting with parents, so it may not hurt to find a few minutes before or after school to connect one-on-one with them! Open houses, orientations, and other meet-and-great options is another great way to get to know the teachers. This can also soothe your student’s nervousness on the first day or throughout the year.
  2. Set schedules – By establishing regular routines, your student will have limited distractions. Scheduling times including your student’s bedtime, times to wake up, homework schedules, and recreational time (playing outdoors or video games). This will come in great use before big tests, mid-terms, and finals.
  3. Set up an area for homework and studying – This area can be a designated workspace for your student. This is an opportunity to have school supplies centrally located and easily found.
  4. Prepare the night before – Encourage your student to plan for the next school day, whether if that’s packing a lunch, planning their school clothes, or last-minute studying. During this time, it might be a good idea to limit tech time.
  5. Set time to learn – It’s important to ask your student what their upcoming schedule is looking like. Students’ schedules get jammed up rather quickly, so it’s vital that you support them in scheduling and feeling prepared!

By implementing these tips, you are empowering your student to take charge of their academic journey, overcome any obstacles they may face, and embrace each day with confidence and determination.


Defender, H. (2023, August 11). 10 back to school tips for parents. Word In Black. https://wordinblack.com/2023/08/10-back-to-school-tips-for-parents/



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